This publication is made possible by the support of the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Competitiveness, Trade, and Jobs Activity in Central Asia. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Nicole from The Adventures of Nicole and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.

34 Photos that will Make You Book a Ticket to Kyrgyzstan

Updated June 2023, 34 Photos that will make you book a ticket to Kyrgyzstan was originally written in September 2019

It’s easy to see why Kyrgyzstan is the adventure star of Central Asia. With what seems like endless trekking opportunities, staggering mountains, green valleys, glaciers, horse trekking, alpine lakes and hospitality Kyrgyzstan has really solidified its place as the gateway to Central Asia for most adventure travelers.

After 5 trips now under my belt to Kyrgyzstan here are some of my favorite Kyrgyzstan photos that will hopefully put Kyrgyzstan on your bucketlist.

Jeti Oguz, Kyrgyzstan Travel Guide, Jeti Oguz, Jeti Oguz Kyrgyzstan, Kyrgyzstan, Central Asia, red rock Kyrgyzstan

One of the most notable features of Jeti Oguz is the famed red-rock ‘Seven Bulls’. For the best views make your way up the trail on the hill opposite the road from the Seven Bulls.

Learn how to visit Jeti Oguz & the Valley of Flowers

World Nomad Games, WNG, World Nomad Games 2018, Kyrgyzstan, Cholpon Ata, buzkashi, Kok boru, Kök Boru

Kok Boru at World Nomad Games 2018 in Cholpon Ata. Kok Boru, also called Buzkashi is a brutal sport popular in Central Asia where riders on horseback try to get a goat or calf carcass into a goal.

Sary Chelek, Sary Chelek Kyrgyzstan, Kyrgyzstan, Kyrgyzstan Travel Guide, sary chelek bioreserve

Sunset at Sary Chelek. In 1978 Sary Chelek was listed as a world biosphere reserve by UNESCO. Learn more about Sary Chelek and how you can visit the area here.

Read: How to get to Sary Chelek

Kyzyl Art, Kyzyl Art Pass, Tajikistan

On my first trip to Kyrgyzstan this was my first welcome to the country coming from Tajikistan and a wild adventure up the Pamir Highway. This rainbow-striped colorful mountain sits smack in the middle of no-man’s-land between Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan as you make your way to the Bordöbö border crossing in Kyzyl Art Pass.

Everything you need to know for the Kyzyl Art Border Crossing

Take on the ultimate road trip: The Pamir Highway Travel Guide

Jeti Oguz, Jeti Oghuz, Kyrgyzstan Travel Guide, Kyrgyzstan, Kok Jayik

Jeti Oguz is home to several more epic trekking possibilities in Kyrgyzstan, including the beautiful pastures here in the Valley of Flowers.

Kyrgyzstan Travel Guide, Altyn Arashan, Kyrgyzstan

Altyn Arashan is home to some of Kyrgyzstan’s most beautiful treks, located just outside the city of Karakol. Many may opt to trek here from Karakol while others will take the bumpy ride in an old Soviet-era military truck to reach the area.

Suleiman Too, Osh, Kyrgyzstan

The views over the city of Osh from the top of Suleman Too. Osh’s Fergana Valley surroundings are quite flat, but Suleman Too gives Osh quite the striking feature with a craggy mountain that seems to rise out of nowhere smack in the middle of the city. Allegedly the Prophet Mohammed prayed here at one time making the mountain a famous pilgrimage site.

Plan your stay with my Osh Travel Guide + 5 things to do

Naryn River, Kyrgyzstan Travel Guide, Kyrgyzstan

The brilliant blue Naryn River passing through a canyon in the middle of Kyrgyzstan.

Issykul, Tamga, Tien Shan, Kyrgyzstan Travel Guide, Kyrgyzstan

Snowcapped peaks in early October forming the backdrop behind the village of Tamga.

Jumgal, Jumgal cemetery, Jumgal Kyrgyzstan, Kyrgyz cemetery, Kyrgyzstan cemetery, Kyrgyzstan, Kyrgyz, cemetery, Central Asia

Without a doubt, this is one of my all-time favorite photos. This is a Kyrgyz cemetery located near the village of Jumgal.

Start planning: The Kyrgyzstan Travel Guide

Issykul, Tamga, Kyrgyzstan Travel Guide, Kyrgyzstan

Issykul is a large saline lake located in eastern Kyrgystan. Issykul means ‘warm lake’ in the Kyrgyz language, owing to the lake never freezing in the winter despite its harsh surroundings.

Jeti Oguz, horse, horses, Kyrgyz horse,Kyrgyz horses, Kyrgyzstan

The Kyrgyz have long been known to be exceptional horse riders, even from a young age.

Laghman, Uyghur, Kyrgyzstan, Karakol, Cafe Zarina, Uyghur food, Dungan food

Laghman pictured above is a staple dish found on many a menu throughout Central Asia. The dish traces its roots back to the Uyghur population that hails from Xinjiang province in China but with a wide diaspora that can be found in Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. Don’t miss out on some of the best laghman while in Karakol.

Feast between treks: The best dishes you have to try in Karakol

Eagle hunting Kyrgyzstan, Eagle hunting, Issykul, golden eagle, Kyrgyz eagle hunter

An eagle hunting demonstration in the Issykul region. Eagle hunting has an extensive history in Central Asia, especially Kyrgyzstan.

Holy Trinity Cathedral, Holy Trinity Cathedral Kyrgyzstan, Holy Trinity Cathedral Karakol, Karakol Cathedral, Kyrgyzstan Cathedral, Karakol, Kyrgyzstan Travel Guide, Kyrgyzstan

The green-domed Holy Trinity Cathedral located in the heart of Karakol.

Plan your visit: Karakol Travel Guide + 13 Things To Do In Karakol, Kyrgyzstan

Chong Kemin, Chon Kemin, Chong Kemin Valley, Chon Kemin Valley, Kyrgyzstan Travel Guide, Kyrgyzstan

The icy waters flowing through Kyrgyzstan’s Chon Kemin Valley.

Burana, Burana Tower, Bishkek day trips, Kyrgyzstan Travel Guide, Kyrgyzstan
Burana Tower

The minaret of Balasagun (now known as Burana Tower) standing at 25 meters was once the center of the Karakhanid Khanate.

Read: How to get to Burana Tower

Kyrgyzstan Travel Guide, Kyrgyzstan, Tamga

An old MIG fighter jet atop a hill in Tamga.

Ala Archa National Park Ala Aracha, Ala Archa National Park, Bishkek Day trips, Kyrgyzstan Travel Guide, Kyrgyzstan
Ala Archa National Park

Ala Archa National Park dusted in snow in early October. With much trekking potential, this area can offer great day trips and even overnight hikes from Bishkek.

Peak Lenin, Kyrgyzstan, Sary Tash, Pamir, Pamirs, Pamir Mountains

Saying goodbye to the towering Pamir Mountains as we moved north toward Osh.

Kyrgyzstan, Burana, Burana Tower, Chuy, Balbal, Balbals, Burana statues, Burana, Burana Kyrgyzstan, Kyrgyzstan, Kyrgyzstan statue, Kyrgyz statue, Kyrgyzstan, Central Asia

The Balbals of Burana. These stone figures are believed to be grave markers left behind by Turkic nomads long ago.

Just starting to plan your visit? Grab a copy of Bradt’s Kyrgyzstan guidebook

Broken Heart, Jeti Oguz, Kyrgyzstan

Like a heart with a wedge driven through it, the golden-red Broken Heart in Kyrgyzstan is a feature of legend. Like many folklore of Central Asia, it ends tragically. In this case, two men fought to the death over a beautiful woman who loved both men. The split rock represents her broken heart.

ashlan fu, ashlan-fu, ashlyan-fu, ashlyan fu, ashlanfu, ashlyanfu, Dungan food, Dungan family meal, Dungan meal, Dungan food, Kyrgyzstan, Karakol, Karakol food, Karakol restaurants

Kyrgyzstan’s Karakol is a melting pot of culture and one place that this is heavily represented is in Karakol’s diversity in cuisine. Pictured here is a bowl of Ashlyan Fu, a cold noodle dish. Ashlyan Fu is a staple dish for the Dungan minority that lives in and around Karakol. For those wanting to experience a Dungan family meal in Karakol, I highly recommend booking a Dungan food tour with Destination Karakol (trust me, I’ve now done it twice).

Broken Heart, Broken HEart Jeti Oguz, Broken Heart Kyrgyzstan, golden eagle, golden eagle Kyrgyzstan

A golden eagle.

Plan the perfect trip: A Kazakhstan & Kyrgyzstan itinerary

Kyrgyzstan Travel, Guide, Skazka, Skazka Kyrgyzstan, Fairy Tale Canyon, Fairy Tale Canyon Kyrgyzstan, Kyrgyzstan, Central Asia

The orange and pink hues of Skazka Canyon (often called Fairytale Canyon), south of Issykul.

Jeti Oguz, Jeti Oguz sunset, Kyrgyzstan

Sunset over the ‘Seven Bulls’ of Jeti Oguz.

Dungan Mosque, Karakol, Kyrgyzstan

Ceiling details of the Dungan Mosque in Karakol. This mosque features unique details not seen in most mosque designs.

Karkyra, Kyrgyzstan, Karkara, Karkara border crossing, horse, horse milk, kumis, horse milking

Our first welcome to Kyrgyzstan on my most recent trip was a cup of Kumis (that’s horse milk) just after crossing the Karkara border from Kazakhstan, followed by a horse milking demonstration by our lovely host.

Everything you need to know to cross the Karkara Border between Kyrgyzstan & Kazakhstan

Jeti Oguz, golden eagle, eagle Kyrgyzstan, Kyrgyzstan, solo female travel central asia, Adventures of Nicole, Adventures of Lil Nicki

Holding up a golden eagle as it splays its wings.

Ata Beyit, Kyrgyzstan

Ata Beyit Memorial Complex just outside Bishkek pays respect to the 137 victims killed and buried in a mass grave during the 1938 Great Purge under the orders of Stalin. One man in the village saw what happened here and only told his daughter. The woman would hold the secret until after Kyrgyzstan’s independence from the Soviet Union in 1991.

Tokmok, animal bazaar, Tokmok animal bazaar, Kyrgyzstan

Sheep in a pin at the busy Tokmok Sunday Animal Bazaar located a short distance from Bishkek. Traders come from all around Chuy Valley to buy, sell and trade livestock in the early morning hours each Sunday.

Looking for a Sunday day trip from Bishkek? Visit the Sunday Tokmok Animal Market

Non, non bread, Osh Bazaar, Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek

Artfully stacked and displayed non (bread) at the Osh Bazaar in Bishkek.

Plan your time in Bishkek: The 10 Best Things To Do In Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

Yurts, Issykul, Kyrgyzstan

Yurts lined up along Issykul Lake.

Have Any Questions About Kyrgyzstan After Scrolling Through Some Of My Favorite Kyrgyzstan Photos?

Ask your Kyrgyzstan questions in the comments section below.

Need Travel Insurance For Kyrgyzstan?

Start shopping plans over at battleface, my go-to travel insurance choice, or over at World Nomads.

2 thoughts on “34 Photos That Will Make You Book A Ticket To Kyrgyzstan”

  1. Beautiful photos!!

    I randomly found you while I was doing research on eagle demonstrations for my upcoming travel to Kyrgyzstan. I wanted to ask, how did you book your eagle demonstration experience?
    From my research so far, I found that the eagle demonstration experience can be done through the Salburun Federation. I couldn’t find a website for them but did find their Facebook page. I messaged Salburun Federation on Facebook for information, and they replied back with a contact name and WhatsApp number.

    I messaged the WhatsApp contact, and the person who replied provided me with information on eagle demonstrations, as well as a homestay in their yurt and help with transportation from Bishkek to Issyk Kul. My question is, is this how you arranged this experience? I couldn’t find any reviews on TripAdvisor when I searched under “Salburun Federation”. I am a solo female traveler (traveling independently with no tour) and am very concerned with safety.

    Many thanks in advance for your help!

    1. Thank you! I would get in touch with either the South Shore DMO or the CBT Bokonbaevo Office. Either can help arrange the eagle hunting demo.

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