Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque, Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque Esfahan, Naqsh e Jahan Square, Esfahan, Isfahan, Persia, Iran

How to Get an Iran Visa on a US Passport

Updated May 2023, How to Get an Iran Visa on a US Passport was originally published in December 2022

Why yes, you can visit Iran as an American. Though it requires you (as well as UK and Canadian passport holders) to jump through a few more hoops, it is entirely possible to get an Iranian visa as a US passport holder. The following post will give you all the information you need to have in order to visit Iran as an American.

Get in Touch with an Iranian Tour Company

The one major caveat to visiting Iran as a US, UK, or Canadian passport holder is that you will need to be guided on your visit to Iran by a guide that has special credentials allowing them to take on ABC guests (Americans, Brits, and Canadians). As I have worked together with them in the past to lead tours with ABC guests, I can 100% recommend Tappersia– not only for setting up a guide but also for helping facilitate the visa process for my ABC guests.

Apply for Your MFA Authorization Code

The next step in the process will be to apply for your MFA authorization code. Your tour agency will help you to do this step, but it’s quite straightforward. 

You will need to provide a scan of your passport, along with a passport photo, and a filled-out application. On your application you will also need to specify where you’ll be applying for your visa at- if you are currently in the United States then this will be in Washington DC. Your tour company will then apply for your MFA authorization code for you.

It’s generally said to expect it to take about 30 days from the submission of your file before receiving an approval but in my most recent experience in 2022, we received all our American authorization codes in about 10 days.

Apply for Your Iranian Visa

The final step will be to send off for your visa. You will need to mail a filled-out visa application, a passport photo, your passport, and a money order for your visa fee + return shipping ($80+ 40, though it is advisable to contact the consulate for updated pricing as they do change periodically). 

If applying within the US you will need to mail your file to the Interests Section of the Islamic Republic of Iran, which is located within the Embassy of Pakistan in Washington DC.

How Long Will it Take to Get an Iran Visa in a US Passport?

This can vary widely. In 2022 my US passport holders were issued visas the same day they arrived at the consulate (which has got to be record time) but have heard of nightmarish ordeals from friends and other travelers who had to postpone trips as they had been waiting for three months. So it is recommended to budget a wide berth of time in the event that it does take forever. 

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