Uzbekistan travel, two weeks Uzbekistan, Two week Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan itinerary, Uzbekistan, Central Asia, Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan travel guide, Uzbekistan travel, Uzbekistan guide, Khiva, sunset from Islam Khodja Minaret, Islam Khodja Minaret

Uzbekistan Travel Guide

Updated April 2023, The Uzbekistan Travel Guide was originally written in June 2018

The Central Asian cradle of culture, Silk Road history, Caravansarais, and traces of great conquerors from Genghis Khan to Amir Timur and more are just a few reasons to travel in Uzbekistan. The blue-tiled Silk Road cities of Samarkand, Bukhara, and Khiva are the biggest draws for those visiting the country, but without much effort, you can veer off the beaten path to discover little-visited mosques & madrasas, villages exploding with culture, yurt camps, the desolate semi-autonomous region of Karakalpakstan and so much more. In this Uzbekistan travel guide you will find information including:

Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan travel guide, Uzbekistan travel, Uzbekistan guide, Samarkand, Ulugbek Observatory, Ulugbek, Ulugh Bek, Ulugh Bek Observatory
Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan travel guide, Uzbekistan travel, Uzbekistan guide, Samarkand, Shah-i-Zinda, Shah i Zinda, Usto Ali Nesefi Mausoleum
Uzbekistan Map
Click map above to view on Google Maps

Practical Information


The official currency of Uzbekistan is the Uzbek Som (UZS). The current exchange rate (April 2023) is $1 USD = 11,435 UZS, however, it’s worth noting that the Uzbek Som is in constant fluctuation and could change from hour to hour at times.

In September 2017, Uzbekistan abolished its black market and finally bumped its bank rate up to the black market rate, so the days of avoiding banks and official money exchangers are over. Another thing to note is that 10,000, 50,000, and 100,000 bills were introduced.

When I visited in 2016 the largest note was 5000 UZS, so my bag at all times was stuffed with cash until it was about to explode and I had like $40 worth of UZS on me.


The official language of Uzbekistan is Uzbek. Uzbek is a Turkic language and is closely related to Uyghur as well as Kazakh and Kyrgyz.

Russian is widely spoken and understood among most Uzbeks over the age of 30 due to Uzbekistan being a former state of the Soviet Union. The younger generation (think mid-20s and younger) is less likely to speak Russian fluently.

Tajik is spoken in Bukhara and Samarkand as these cities were formerly part of Tajikistan prior to their addition into the Soviet Union (the two countries still have sour feelings toward each other because of this). Tajik is also common in the Uzbek Fergana Valley.

Karakalpak is spoken in the semi-autonomous state of Karakalpakstan. Karakalpak, like Uzbek, is a Turkic language, however, it has more ties to the Kazakh language.


Islam is the predominant religion in Uzbekistan with 88% of the population following the religion. Eastern Orthodox comprises 9% of the population and the remaining 3% practice all other forms of religion.

Uzbekistan travel, two weeks Uzbekistan, Two week Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan itinerary, Uzbekistan, Central Asia, Uzbekistan travel, Uzbekistan guide, Uzbekistan travel guide, Samarkand, gur-e-amir, gur e amir, gur-e-amir mausoleum, gur e amir mausoleum
Gur e Amir Mausoleum in Samarkand

What To Wear

Being a majority Islamic country it’s recommended to dress more on the conservative side. It’s advisable that skirts and shorts go to at least the knee. The headscarf is not required except for inside mosques.

Uzbekistan has 4 seasons with winter being pretty cold (-10 C) and summers being uncomfortably hot (sometimes over 40 C), so make sure to have clothing suitable for the temperatures.

Kutlug Oko, Uzbekistan travel, two weeks Uzbekistan, Two week Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan itinerary, Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan travel guide, Uzbekistan travel, Uzbekistan guide, Samarkand, Shah-i-Zinda, Shah-i-Zinda, Uzbek women, Kutlug Oko
Women in front of the Kutlug Oko at Shah i Zinda Ensemble in Samarkand

How Long To Visit

Typical tourist visas are given for 15 and 30 days, so these are the most common amounts of time spent in the country. With that said there are many visitors who spend just a week traveling Uzbekistan spending a couple of days each in the Silk Road cities of Samarkand, Bukhara, and Khiva.

Start Planning: 2 Weeks In Uzbekistan, A Backpacker’s Itinerary

When To Visit

The best times to visit Uzbekistan are spring and fall- April, May, September, and October as this is when temperatures are most comfortable.

Summers (June, July, August) can be miserably hot throughout most of the country, and winters (November-March) can be downright cold. Although it’s cold, Uzbekistan can be beautiful in the winter months with the iconic Silk Road cities dusted in snow.

Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan travel guide, Uzbekistan travel, Uzbekistan guide, Uzbek Women, Kamchik Pass, Qurama Mountains
A group of friends I met at Kamchik Pass. Note the jackets as it was unusually cold for October

Get Around

Uzbekistan is fairly easy to get around in. Most tourist sites are reachable by train (note that there is an express and modern Afrosiyob train and the old school and slower Sharq trains). Visit the Uzbek Railways website to see schedules or download the UZRailways Ticket App on the App Store (Apple) or Google Play. You can book and pay for train tickets online through the app.

Just as easy is traveling around by shared taxis between cities. Depending on where you’re headed you’ll need to go to a specific taxi stand in town to find a shared taxi to the place you’re going. Ask your accommodation or a local and they’ll know where to go. Make sure you negotiate a price before you get in a car.

Taxis are the best way to go longer distances within cities, and since just about anyone with a car functions as a taxi driver you won’t be left waiting long to get a ride. Just stand at the edge of the street with your arm extended outwards and tap your hand up and down. I recommend asking a local how much your hop should cost because you will need to haggle your price before you get in.

You can hitchhike in Uzbekistan, however, you will be hard-pressed to find a ride for free. Since most anyone with a car will function as a taxi driver most drivers will expect payment.

One anomaly to this is during the Mongol Rally. On both my trips through Central Asia I met many people hitchhiking the rally as rally drivers will pick up people sometimes.

Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan travel guide, Uzbekistan travel, Uzbekistan guide, Uzbek taxi, Fergana City, Fergana Valley
Push-starting the taxi to leave Fergana City

Get In

Uzbekistan has international airports in Tashkent, Samarkand, Bukhara, Fergana City, Navoi, Urgench, and Qarshi. The most common airport to enter the country from is Tashkent.

As Uzbekistan is also commonly visited by those overlanding through Central Asia, there are several border crossings with Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Afghanistan. To read up more on border crossings head to Caravanistan.

Entry requirements in 2022 (thanks COVID): Foreigners arriving in Uzbekistan must present proof of Covid-19 vaccination in order to enter Uzbekistan. A negative PCR is no longer required.

Entering Uzbekistan: Drugs, Porn, Photos & Drones

In the past (pre-2018) Uzbek officials would typically scour through tourists’ bags upon arrival (and departure) at borders and airports. Prior to 2018 many over-the-counter and prescription drugs that are legal in many countries were illegal in Uzbekistan. Antidepressants, anything containing codeine, sleeping pills, and more were all on the list.

Books containing anything regarding religion, history, or politics were almost always confiscated if found, and porn, whether in print, on laptops, or phones would be confiscated or deleted.

Now, (2019 on), bringing in medications is no longer a problem. It isn’t usual that you’d even have a thorough bag searching like the old days, so bringing in books shouldn’t be much a problem either.

On occasion, I’ve heard of phones being searched, but it’s not the norm. However, in the past when I’d had my phone searched, I noticed the officers are giddily scrolling and smiling (I got the vibe they were hoping to find nudes, and they were disappointed to find nothing except memes, photos of my parrot, and random snaps from my Central Asia trip). My advice is that if you have any porn downloaded on your devices, just delete it before you arrive in Uzbekistan.

Also, do be aware that if your phone or laptop is searched and they find photos of sensitive locations (border area, military installations, government buildings, etc.) you’ll be forced to delete them.

In fact, on my first visit to Uzbekistan, it took about 6 hours to cross the Dostyk border between Osh and Andijon as officers went through bags and removed one item at a time, wanting to know what each thing was. Fast forward to 2019 (my most recent visit) and crossing the Tajik-Uzbek border from Panjakent to Samarkand took mere minutes. Nothing was searched and was overall a pleasant experience.


Uzbekistan has made major changes to its visa policy in the last few months, introducing an e-visa and allowing several more nationalities are visit visa-free.

An old Uzbek visa


The recently introduced Uzbek e-visa is making travel to Uzbekistan easier than ever before. The following countries are eligible for an e-visa:

Albania, Algeria, Angola, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Bolivia, Cape Verde, Cambodia, Cameroon, China, Colombia, Cote d’ Ivoire, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Fiji, Gabon, Ghana, Guyana, India, Iran, Jordan, Kuwait, Laos, Lebanon, Macedonia, Maldives, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Morocco, Nauru, Nepal, North Korea, Oman, Palau, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Qatar, Samoa, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Seychelles, Solomon Islands, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Suriname, Thailand, Tonga, Tunisia, USA, Uruguay, Vanuatu, Venezuela, and Vietnam.

E-visas are issued for single entries for 30 days. Apply for your e-visa here.


Uzbekistan has expanded the nationalities eligible to enter visa-free. The following countries can enter Uzbekistan visa-free for 30-90 depending on nationality:

All EU citizens, Andorra, Antigua & Barbuda, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belize, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Brazil, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Costa, Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Georgia, Grenada, Guatemala, Honduras, Iceland, Indonesia, Israel, Jamaica, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Liechtenstein, Malaysia, Moldova, Monaco, Mongolia, Montenegro, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, Russia, Saint Kitts & Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent & the Grenadines, San Marino, Serbia, Singapore, Switzerland, South Korea, Tajikistan, Trinidad & Tobago, Turkey, Ukraine, UAE, UK, and the Vatican.


Uzbek food is very similar to the cuisines served up all around Central Asia. In cities, it’s easy to find international cuisine for those needing a break from Central Asian dishes. Check out my Best Restaurants in Tashkent Guide.


As in much of Central Asia bread is life. You’ll see the round discs of non in bazaars all over the country.

non, non bread, nan, nan bread, Osh Bazaar, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, Kyrgyz bread, Kyrgyzstan bread, Kyrgyzstan Travel Guide
Non (bread)


No Uzbek meal is complete without a cup of chai.


Popular noodle dish, typically with mutton or beef, spices, and various vegetables. Sometimes plov will have fruit or chickpeas.


Fried rice typically served up with meat, onion, carrot, and sometimes other vegetables, fruit, and chickpeas.


Noodle dumplings typically served stuffed with meat and onion. Sometimes can be found in a vegetarian version with either potato or pumpkin as a filling. Typically served with sour cream and can be found served in a soup, or in a sauce.

There are similar smaller dumplings called chuchvara.


Grilled skewers of meat. Beef and mutton are the most common. Chicken is less common and on occasion, you can find veggie shashlik.


Similar to Indian samosa. Most commonly stuffed with minced meat and onion.


An Uzbek soup of mutton or beef, potato, onion, vegetables, and optionally fruit.


A spiced soup that will typically contain mutton or beef and potato.


Noodle dish of homemade noodles and horse meat (called Beshbarmak in Kyrgyzstan as well).


In cities and most places of interest, you’ll find hotels and hostels. In more rural areas you’ll find yurt camps. Note that when departing Uzbekistan you will need to hand over the vouchers for every accommodation you’ve stayed at.

Sometimes border officers will check them thoroughly, other times they hardly glance at them, or when departing from Tashkent Airport in 2019 I wasn’t even asked for them.

Note that for your time spent in the Fergana Valley you must be registered every night you spend there. Your hotel or hostel will take care of this for you.

If you do not do this it can get you into some trouble. If you take an overnight train in the Fergana Valley keep your ticket as this will be considered your registration for that night.

Uzbekistan, Central Asia, Khiva

Where To Go In Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan is a fairly large country, but the Silk Road giants of Samarkand, Bukhara, and Khiva are all clustered not too far from each other. Veer much off of this well-beaten path and you’ll get to see another side of Uzbekistan.

Need Help Planning? Read The Perfect Two Week Uzbekistan & Tajikistan Itinerary

Central Uzbekistan

Central Uzbekistan is by far the most visited region in the country with the Silk Road giants of Samarkand, Bukhara & Khiva sitting within Central Uzbekistan, as well as the capital of Tashkent.

Barak Khan Madrasa, Khast Imam, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Khast Imam Complex, Tashkent


Tashkent is the biggest city in Uzbekistan, as well as Central Asia. While it doesn’t appear to be an old city, Tashkent has a history that dates back an estimated 2,000 years. The reason for the newer look is the 1966 earthquake that decimated the city.

The biggest attractions in Tashkent include the Imam Hazroti Complex, Sheik Khantour Mausoleum Complex, a plethora of museums, Chorsu Bazaar, and the ornate Tashkent Metro Stations.

If you’re tired of Central Asian food, there’s an array of international cuisine including Korean, Georgian, Italian restaurants, and more. Read up more on where to eat in Tashkent in my Tashkent Restaurant Guide.

From personal experience, I recommend staying The Rooms Boutique Stay, located about a 10-minute walk from Oybek & Ming Orik Metro Stations. If you’re looking for something super cheap try Top Hostel and Topchan Hostel, which are both highly recommended.

Shop Tashkent accommodations here.

Check out the Tashkent Metro in photos and plan your time in the city with the Tashkent Travel Guide

Solar Furnace, Parkent, Uzbekistan
The Solar Furnace in Parkent


The main draw to visiting Parkent is to visit the fascinating Solar Furnace, located at the top of a hill just outside the town. Built in 1981 the Solar Furnace (also called the Physics of the Sun, Heliocomplex, or Institute of the Sun) uses curved mirrors to reflect light to create concentrated solar power that reaches temperatures up to 3,000ºC. Read up more about the Solar Furnace here.

You can visit the Solar Furnace quite easily on weekdays during normal business hours (8 am-4 pm) and get a tour of the facility by one of the scientists working on site. We just showed up and were taken inside to the museum (there’s some cool artwork inside), up the elevator inside to the viewing decks, wandered around the hillside of reflecting mirrors, and even given a fun demonstration of pinecones being burned by the reflection of light. A tour of the facilities costs 100,000 UZS.

To get to Parkent you can either grab a marshrutka from Tashkent, and then hire a taxi in Parkent to drive you another 7 km and up the hill to the Solar Furnace, or much easier and still pretty cheap is to book a Yandex to take you there and back (plus waiting time).

Read about my visit to the Solar Furnace and how you can visit it too


Samarkand is probably the most well-known city in Uzbekistan, and for good reason- it’s home to more Silk Road historical sites than you’ll believe. A few must-sees include the Registan’s Shirdor Madrasa, Ulugbek Madrasa & Tilla Kari Madrasa, Gur e Amir Mausoleum, Shah i Zinda Ensemble, Afrosiab, Bibi-Khanym Mosque, Ulugbek’s Observatory…. just to name a handful!

I’ve stayed at Samarkand Center Hotel, which I highly recommend and I’ve splurged and stayed at the Konstantin Hotel in Samarkand, but there is an array of accommodations to fit most budgets. Amir Hostel comes highly rated among backpackers.

Check out other Samarkand accommodations here.

Want a guided tour of Samarkand? Check out this one-day Samarkand tour as well as this Samarkand wine tasting tour.

Start Planning: The Samarkand City Guide

Registan Square, Samarkand Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan travel guide, Uzbekistan travel, Uzbekistan guide, Samarkand, Registan, Registan Square
Registan Square, Samarkand
Uzbekistan, Central Asia, Uzbekistan travel guide, Uzbekistan travel, Uzbekistan guide, Samarkand, Tilla Kari Madrasa, Tilla Kari, Registan, Registan Square
The doorways of Tilla Kari Madrasa in Registan Square
Uzbekistan, Registan, Uzbekistan travel guide, Uzbekistan travel, Uzbekistan guide, Samarkand, Tilla Kari Madrasa, Tilla Kari, Tilla Kari dome
The dome inside Tilla Kari Madrasa


Shahrisabz doesn’t have the major attractions of Samarkand but also doesn’t have the crowds either. Shahrisabz is most well known as the birthplace of Amir Timur. There are several points of interest in Shahrisabz that can be easily visited on a day trip from Samarkand.

For those opting to spend the night, check out Shahrisabz accommodations here.

Rabat Malik Caravanserai

Rabat Malik Caravanserai is a ruin of the complex built by the orders of Karakhanid Shams-al-Mulk Nasr who ruled Samarkand from 1068 to 1080. It’s located along the M37 between Samarkand and Bukhara.

Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan travel guide, Uzbekistan travel, Uzbekistan guide, Rabat Malik, Rabat Malik Caravanserai, Caravanserai, Navoi
Rabat Malik Caravanserai


Bukhara was an important trading city along the ancient Silk Road with plenty to explore in a couple of days. Make sure to visit the Arc Citadel, Labi Havz, Poy i Kalyan & Kalyan Minaret, Mausoleum to Ismoil Somoni, Chor Bakr, and the many bazaars around the city.

The Samani Bukhara is a great hotel right in the heart of Bukhara from personal experience. Shop Bukhara accommodations here.

Plan your visit to Bukhara: The Bukhara Travel Guide

Uzbekistan travel, two weeks Uzbekistan, Two week Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan itinerary, Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan travel guide, Uzbekistan travel, Uzbekistan guide, Bukhara, Ulugh Bek Madrasa, Ulugh Bek Madrasa Bukhara, Mirzo Ulugh Bek Madrasa, Mirzo Ulugh Bek Madrasa Bukhara
Ulugbek Madrasa, Bukhara
Uzbekistan, Central Asia, Uzbekistan travel guide, Po-i-Kalyan, Po i Kalyan, Bukhara, Po i kalon
Po i Kalyan


Gijdovan is located just outside of Bukhara as you approach the city on your way down from Samarkand. The main draw to visit is the Gijdiovan Ceramic Museum ran by the Narzullaev family. Uzbeks are known for their impressive ceramic work.

Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan travel guide, Uzbekistan travel, Uzbekistan guide, Gijduvan Ceramics Museum, Gijduvan
Gijduvan Ceramic Museum just outside Bukhara


Located at the foot of the Nurata Mountains and at the fringe of the Kyzylkum Desert. Make sure to explore the Nur Fortress and the Chashma Complex.

Shop Nurata accommodations here.

Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan travel guide, Uzbekistan travel, Uzbekistan guide, Nurata, Chashma Complex, Chashma Complex Nurata
Chashma Complex, Nurata
Uzbekistan, Central Asia, Nurata, Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan travel guide, Uzbekistan travel, Uzbekistan guide, Nur Fortress
Nur Fortress, Nurata

Aydar Kul

Aydar Kul is a large lake in the Kyzylkum Desert nearby to Nurata. Aydar Kul only exists because of a flood of the Syr Darya River breaching the Chardara Reservoir. There is a great yurt camp near to its shores that is a great place to stargaze from or take a sunset camel ride from.

Stay at Aydar Yurt Camp during your stay in Aydar Kul where you’ll sleep under the stars and take a camelback ride during sunset.

travel Karakalpakstan, Uzbekistan, Central Asia, bactrian camels, camels, camel, bactrian, bactrian camel, Aydarkul, Navoi
Bactrian Camels at Aydar Kul
Uzbekistan, Central Asia, Aydarkul, Aydar, Aydar yurt camp, Navoi
Aydar Yurt Camp


The original capital of Khorezm and the Khanate of Khiva. Khiva ended up being my favorite of Uzbekistan’s Silk Road cities.

Khiva’s Itchan Kala was Uzbekistan’s first UNESCO World Heritage Site. Must-see sites include the Itchan Qala’s City Walls & Gates, Kuhna Arc, Kalta Minor, Mohammed Rahim Khan Madrasa & Square, Juma Mosque, Pahlawan Mohammed Mausoleum, Islam Khodja Minaret, Shirgiz Khan Madrasa, Mohammed Amin Khan Madrasa, Ak Mosque, Bogbonli Mosque, Said Alauddin Mosque, as well as Kutli Murad Inak Madrasa, Khan Anush Mohammed’s Bath, Uc Avlija Mausoleum, Tash Chauli, Khan Allakuli Madrasa, Tim, and the Ditchan Qala.

I opted to splurge for the Hayat Inn, but it was nothing to write home over. Check out other Khiva accommodations here.

Going to Khiva? Read the Khiva Travel Guide to make the most of your time there

Uzbekistan travel, two weeks Uzbekistan, Two week Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan itinerary, Uzbekistan, Central Asia, Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan travel guide, Uzbekistan travel, Uzbekistan guide, Khiva, sunset from Islam Khodja Minaret, Islam Khodja Minaret
The sun setting on Khiva from atop the Islam Khoja Minaret
Uzbekistan travel, two weeks Uzbekistan, Two week Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan itinerary, Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan travel guide, Uzbekistan travel, Uzbekistan guide, Khiva, Mohammed Rahim Khan Madrasa
Mohammed Rahim Khan Madrasa, Khiva
Mohammed Rahim Khan Madrasa, Madrasa, Khiva, Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan Travel Guide
Mohammed Rahim Khan Madrasa in Khiva

The Uzbek Fergana Valley

The Fergana Valley has a tense feel to it as Uzbeks, Tajiks, and Kyrgyz all have strong feelings that the valley belongs to them. With that said, occasional strife does break out, however, it usually wouldn’t affect tourists.

Plan your visit with the Uzbek Fergana Valley Travel Guide


Margilan is Uzbekistan’s Silk Capital that sits at the crossroads of the Silk Road in the Uzbek Fergana Valley. A stop in Margilan would be incomplete without a visit to the Yodgorlik Silk Factory to get a lesson on how Silk is made from start to finish.

Make sure to pay a visit to Chakar & Toron Bazar Mosques, Khodja Maggiz Mausoleum, Said Ahmed Khodja Madrasa, and Pir Siddiq Complex.

For those opting to spend the night in Margilan, shop accommodations here.

Uzbekistan travel, two weeks Uzbekistan, Two week Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan itinerary, Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan travel guide, Uzbekistan travel, Uzbekistan guide, Margilan, Yodgorlik, Yodgorlik Silk, Yodgorlik Silk Factory, Margilan Silk, Margilan Silk Factory, Fergana, Fergana Valley
Woman making silk at Yodgorlik
Uzbekistan, Central Asia, Yodgorlik, Yodgorlik Silk Factory, Margilan, Fergana, Fergana Valley, Uzbekistan travel guide
Weaving silk at Yodgerlik Factory in Margilan

Fergana City

Fergana City is the Uzbek Fergana Valley’s transportation hub and a great place to base yourself for exploring more of the Fergana Valley.

Shop Fergana City hotels and guesthouses here.


Kokand will be the first introduction for those crossing from Tajikistan’s Fergana Valley. Kokand is a far cry from Tajikistan’s Fergana Valley cities with its obvious wealth in comparison, Silk Road Palace, and fancy hotels. Make sure to pay visits to Juma Mosque and the Khudayar Khan Palace.

Check out Kokand hotels here.

Uzbekistan travel, two weeks Uzbekistan, Two week Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan itinerary, Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan travel guide, Uzbekistan travel, Uzbekistan guide, Kokand, Khudayar Khan, Khudayar Khan Palace, Fergana, Fergana Valley
The Palace of Khudayar Khan in Kokand
Uzbekistan, Central Asia, Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan travel guide, Uzbekistan travel, Uzbekistan guide, Kokand, Fergana, Fergana Valley, Khudayar Khan, Khudayar Khan Palace
Inside Khudayar Khan Palace


Andijan will be a first welcome to those crossing the border from Kyrgyzstan. There’s not a lot to see on Andijan aside from a handful of mosques.

Search Andijan Hotels here.

Mullah Kyrgyz Madrasa, Namangan, Uzbekistan
Mullah Kyrgyz Madrasa in Namangan


Namangan is Uzbekistan’s Islamic Center. Make sure to visit the Khodja Amin Mosque, Mullah Kyrgyz Madrasa, and the Wahabbi Mosque of Ota Valikhon Tur.


Karakalpakstan is a semiautonomous state of Uzbekistan that is rarely visited. The fascinating Qala Castles of Khorezm, Savitsky Museum, and remnants of the Aral Sea sit in this region. Read more about Karakalpakstan in my Karakalpak Travel Guide.

Plan your time in Nukus, Moynaq, The Aral Sea and beyond: The Karakalpakstan Guide

Ancient Qala Castles of Khorezm

Many ancient castles sit perched along the Kyzylkum Desert. They were built to protect ancient Khorezm from invaders traveling along the Silk Road.

Several of the qalas are UNESCO World Heritage protected castles are Toprak Qala, Ayaz Qala, Koy-Kirilgan Qala, Big Guldursun fortress, Pil Qala, Ankha Qala, Kurgashin Qala, and Janbas Qala.

If you want to make a trip out to visit some or all of the Khorezm Castles, I recommend contacting Islambek Travel to set up a tour for you. Prices are per car, so if splitting amongst a group their tours are a great deal.

Ayaz Qala, Uzbekistan travel, two weeks Uzbekistan, Two week Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan itinerary, Karakalpakstan, travel Karakalpakstan, Karakalpakstan travel, Khorezm, Silk Road, desert castles, desert castles of ancient Khorezm, uzbekistan, castles Uzbekistan, castle Uzbekistan, desert fortress, Uzbekistan fortress, Karakalpakstan fortress, qala fortress, qala fortresses, Toprak Kala, Toprak Qala, Uzbekistan Travel Guide
Ayaz Qala
Uzbekistan, Central Asia, Kyzylkum, Kyzylkum desert, Karakalpakstan, travel Karakalpakstan, Karakalpakstan travel, Khorezm, Silk Road, desert castles, desert castles of ancient Khorezm, uzbekistan, castles Uzbekistan, castle Uzbekistan, desert fortress, Uzbekistan fortress, Karakalpakstan fortress, qala fortress, qala fortresses, Toprak Qala, Uzbekistan, Central Asia, Uzbekistan travel guide, Ayaz Qala, Ayaz Kala, Uzbekistan travel guide
Toprak Qala
Kyzylkum, Kyzylkum desert, Karakalpakstan, travel Karakalpakstan, Karakalpakstan travel, Khorezm, Silk Road, desert castles, desert castles of ancient Khorezm, uzbekistan, castles Uzbekistan, castle Uzbekistan, desert fortress, Uzbekistan fortress, Karakalpakstan fortress, qala fortress, qala fortresses, Ayaz Qala, Uzbekistan, Central Asia, Uzbekistan travel guide,
Ayaz Qala

Read more about the fascinating Khorezm Fortresses


Lonely Planet describes Nukus as desolate and hopeless, but I found Nukus to be inhabited by friendly locals with a busy bazaar. The city does have a cold Soviet feel to it mostly due to the apartment blocks and architecture.

Make sure to stop and check out one of the best collections of Soviet Avant-garde artwork at the Savitsky Museum (Nukus Museum of Art).

The best option for accommodations in Nukus is the Hotel Jipek Joli (note that there is a different hotel in Nukus called Jipek Joli Inn). You can shop other options here.

Savitsky Museum, Nukus, Karakalpakstan, Uzbekistan
The Savitsky Museum in Nukus


Moynaq has a more desolate and hopeless feeling to it. Moynaq used to sit at the shores of the Aral Sea and was a busy port.

It now sits about 100 kilometers from the edge of the present Aral Sea. Most who visit Moynaq do so to visit the ship graveyard and as a stop on a camping tour to the shores of what is now the Aral Sea.

Moynaq, Moynaq ship graveyard, ship graveyard, Aral Sea, Karakalpakstan, travel Karakalpakstan, Karakalpakstan travel, Khorezm, Silk Road, uzbekistan
The Moynaq ship graveyard

Aral Sea

One of the world’s worst environmental disasters. In a poorly executed diversion effort by the Soviets, more than 90% of the shallow lake has disappeared.

The basin is continuing to desertify and is now covered in toxic chemicals due to weapons testing in the area. You can visit the shores of the new Aral Sea by tour.

Further afield is the former bioweapons testing facility of Arask 7, located on the former island of Vozrozhdeniya. A friend and I visited in 2021 (we had our own vehicle) to find that the entire ghost town of Aralsk 7 and village of Kantubek had been recently demolished (as in completely gone).

Aral Sea, Karakalpakstan, Uzbekistan
Aral Sea

Southeastern Uzbekistan

Southeastern Uzbekistan still remains off the tourist track. The most intriguing draw to the region would have to be the Dark Star Cave near Boysun.


You’ll likely find yourself in Denau only if you’re crossing the Tajikistan-Uzbek border in transit between Dushanbe and Termez. If you end up spending a day in Denau visit Said Attalik Madrasa and the bazaar next to it, the ruins of Beg Denau Fortress, and the arboretum.

You can use Denau as a base if you want to explore Kalchayan, Dalverzin Teppe, and Sangartek Falls.

Denau could be a great place to explore the Uzbek Hissar Mountains, however, this prospect can be a bit difficult with Uzbekistan’s policies on being registered in a hotel while you are staying in the country, as well as areas close to the Tajik border being off-limits.


Boysun is the jumping-off point for those wanting to explore the Dark Star Cave in the Boysuntov Mountains. Teshik-Tash and Festivalnaya are other nearby caves that can be explored. Boysun village itself is worth a visit to see the homes adorned with colorful carpets called Suzane.

Katta Langar

Want to explore beautiful Uzbek architecture without the crowds? Katta Langar is the perfect alternative. Set in green hills with a 500 year old mausoleum.

Fayaz Teppe, Termez, Uzbekistan
Fayaz Teppe, Termez


Termez has a long-standing history of over 2,500 years as it was a stop along the ancient Silk Road. It’s not very touristed but does have a handful of hotels and restaurants to offer.

Termez is a good stop for those interested in archeological sites and Sufi Islamic sites. Must-see spots in Termez are Khanaka Mausoleum Kokildor-Ota, Al Hakim At-Termezi Mausoleum, Sultan Saodat, Jarkorgan Minaret, Kirk-Kiz, Fayaz-Teppe, Karateppa, and Zurmala Stupa.

Most who come to Termez are stopping en route to Mazar e Sharif in Afghanistan.

Shop Termez accommodations here.

Heading to Uzbekistan’s deep south? Here’s everything you need to know to visit Termez and its surrounding sites

Odina Mosque, Qarshi, Uzbekistan
Odina Mosque, Qarshi


Qarshi has a long history of being sacked by different empires. It was once the Sogdian city of Nakhshab, then was overtaken by the Arabs to become the city of Nasaf, and then became the second city of the Emirate of Bukhara.

Sites to see in Qarshi include Bekmir/Rabiya Madrasa, Khodja Abdul Aziz Madrasa, Khodja Kurban Madrasa, Kurgancha Mosque, Chakar Mosque, Sharafbai Madrasa, Kok Gumbez Mosque, Namazgokh Mosque, public baths, and the Kashkadarya Bridge.

Check out Qarshi accommodations here.

Plan your visit to Qarshi

Great Patriotic War Monument, Qarshi, Uzbekistan
Great Patriotic War Monument in Qarshi


Although Uzbekistan is fairly flat and deserty, there is a few treks believe it or not!


Rocky and forested, the Chimgan Mountains offer trekking around in tulip-covered hills in the summer to the summit of 3300 meter Greater Peak Chimgan. In winter there is a ski complex to go make some turns.

There are CBT (community based tourism) guided hikes offered connecting Chimgan and Beldersay, and the Western Tien Shan that all vary in duration and difficulty.


Home to the alleged longest ski lift in Central Asia, Beldersay is a bit steeper and closer to Tashkent than Chimgan.

In summer hike around in the pine tree forests, explore the Beldersay Gorge, Marble Waterfall, and even view ancient petroglyphs of hunters and ibex.

There are CBT (community based tourism) guided hikes offered connecting Chimgan and Beldersay as mentioned above.


Stay in homestays in the Nurata Mountains, visit small mountain villages, and see the rare and very endangered Severtzov’s wild sheep.

There are CBT (community based tourism) guided hikes offered into the Nurata Mountains from Hayat Village.

Aydar Kul

Trekking around Aydar Kul is a great addition to a stay at the yurt camp along the lake’s shore. Aydar Yurt Camp can arrange trekking and camel treks around the area.

Uzbekistan, Central Asia, Aydarkul, Aydar, Aydar yurt camp, Navoi
Aydar Yurt Camp

Uzbekistan Tours

Uzbekistan is probably the most touristy of the Central Asia republics. Many local companies offer tours around the country.

Additionally, the foreign companies of Intrepid and GAdventures offer tours around Uzbekistan. Intrepid offers tours that traverse the entire Silk Road, where you can either join the whole nearly 12-week endeavor or just join for certain legs of the trip. G Adventures offers tours of just Uzbekistan alone, as well as tours of Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and even Kazakhstan overland from Uzbekistan.

You can also shop tours from 1-dayers to multi-day trips here.

A great Central Asia tour company offering tours in Uzbekistan and the greater region is Kalpak Travel. If you mention the promo code Nicki-Kalpak2017 you will get 5% off your booking!

Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan travel guide, Uzbekistan travel, Uzbekistan guide, Khiva, Islam Khodja Minaret
Islam Khodja Minaret in Khiva

Uzbek Festivals

Chimgan Extreme– A winter sporting even held in Chimgan each year in late February.

Nowruz– Persian New Year. Held on March 21 each year. Festivals including food, dances, and performances will be held all over the country. Families will usually celebrate at home as well.

Bukhara Silk & Spice Festival– Held in late May in Bukhara. The festival includes national games, traditional food, Uzbek fashion design, and folk performances.

Chimgan Echo Festival– A music festival held in the Chimgan area in early June each year celebrating singers and songwriters.

Sharq Taronalari– Held in late August every other year (odd years) in Samarkand’s Registan Square. Sharq Taronalari means Music of the Orient and celebrates traditional music from all over the world.

Independence Day– September 1. Cultural events, concerts and festivals take place throughout Uzbekistan.

Stihia Music Festival– The first one was held on September 14, 2018 and another was held in May 2021 and is probably the biggest event in Moynaq since the 1960s. This electronic rave took place in Moynaq’s Ship Graveyard. Future dates are TBA, but you can check the event website here.

Bazar-Art– An art exhibition held in November in Tashkent. Dates are TBD for 2020.

Uzbekistan, Central Asia, Uzbekistan travel guide, Khiva, Soviet carnival, ferris wheel, Uzbek carnival, Uzbek ferris wheel, Dichan qala
A defunct Soviet carnival located outside the Itchan Qala in Khiva

Uzbekistan Travel Budget

Uzbekistan is on the more expensive end of the budget spectrum for Central Asia, but that doesn’t mean backpacking on a budget isn’t impossible. Here are some rough estimates for different travel styles.

200,000 UZS/$20 USD Per Day

Staying in hostel dorms, travel by marshrutka & train, dining in local eateries and bazaars.

400,000 UZS/$40 USD Per Day

Staying in decent double rooms, travel by a mix of public & private transport, dining in restaurants, taking occasional guided tours.

800,000 UZS/$80 USD + Per Day

Sleeping luxury hotels, traveling by private hire, dining in fine & international restaurants, taking private & guided tours.

Kussam Ibn Abbas Mosque, Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan travel guide, Uzbekistan travel, Uzbekistan guide, Samarkand, Shah-i-Zinda, Shah i Zinda, Kussam Ibn Abbas Mosque
Kussam Ibn Abbas Mosque at the Shah i Zinda Ensemble in Samarkand

Packing List For Uzbekistan Travel

You’ll want to pack light for Uzbekistan as it’s the best country in Central Asia for picking up great souvenirs and handcrafts including carpets, silks, and ceramics. Here are a few items I recommend for traveling in Uzbekistan.

  • An external battery pack can be a great help on long marshrutka or bus trips.
  • I use the Osprey Ariel 65L backpack and recommend Osprey’s products because of their guarantee. Shop backpacks here!
  • A good pair of hiking boots if you plan to do any trekking. My personal favorite is the La Sportiva Nucleo High GTX hiking boot.
  • I personally use the Katadyn water filter. Tap water in the entire country is unsafe for drinking and natural water sources can be contaminated. Using a water purification system can also help cut down on plastic usage.
  • A headlamp will come in handy at yurt camps or if going on a mountain trek to stay at village homestays.
  • Don’t forget the sunscreen! The Uzbek sun can be harsh.
  • The best guidebook to Uzbekistan in my opinion is Bradt’s Uzbekistan. Lonely Planet’s Central Asia Guidebook and their phrasebook can come in handy if you’re planning a larger Central Asia trip covering multiple countries.
Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan travel guide, Uzbekistan travel, Uzbekistan guide, Samarkand, Hudzhum, Hudzhum Carpet Factory, Hudzhum Silk Carpet Factory, Hudzhum Carpet, Hudzhum Samarkand
Women working on a silk carpet at Hujum Silk Carpet Factory in Samarkand

Internet & Mobile

Wifi is widely available throughout the country in hotels & hostels, as well as some restaurants in larger cities.

Sim cards right now are easy to pick up, the two largest mobile services are UCell and Beeline. In the past mobile companies would not let foreigners register a sim card, and would need to find a local who would register one for them.

As Uzbekistan can falter back and forth on policies such as this it could go back to this way without much to any notice. Some news sites, blogs, and of course opposition, porn, and torrent sites are blocked in Uzbekistan. Download a VPN to get around blocks.

Mobile Issues for Returning Visitors

Another thing to note for returning visitors to Uzbekistan as of 2021 is that the government will block your phone’s IMEA number. I was in Uzbekistan in May 2021 and then again in October-November 2021. Upon purchasing a sim card in October, it would not work and when trying to register the sim card a message popped up stating that the IMEA number of my phone was blocked.

Fixing this problem required me to visit an Uzbek post office, where I had to fill out a document with my personal details, have copies of my passport and entry stamp taken. Before long my phone was working once again.

Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan travel guide, Uzbekistan travel, Uzbekistan guide, Khiva, Itchan Qala, Itchan Kala, Itchan Kala Walls, Ichan Qala, Icahn Kala
The outside walls of the Ichan Kala, Khiva

Uzebekistan Travel Safety

In general, Uzbekistan is completely safe for travelers. It is essentially a police state, and in cities you will see plenty of police walking around everywhere. However, there are a few things to watch out for including:

  • All border areas, especially those in the Fergana Valley. Many areas are still landmined, so exercise extreme caution if planning to trek around in these areas.
  • The Fergana Valley can get tense at times as there are still hostilities between Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan over the obscurely created borders.
  • Occasional purse/wallet snatching and pickpocketing happens in crowded areas, so do be aware at all times.
  • In general, Uzbekistan is safe for solo female travelers and the general precautions apply. Read more on solo female travel in Uzbekistan.
  • Say no to any stranger walking up offering to show you the nightlife, usually, it’s part of a scam.
  • Carry a scanned copy of your passport info page. It’s pretty uncommon to be bribed by police here, but if you are asked by law enforcement for identification it’s better to hand over a copy rather than have them potentially hold your passport hostage for ransom.

Read: Solo Female Travel In Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan travel guide, Uzbekistan travel, Uzbekistan guide, Kokand, Khudayar Khan, Khudayar Khan Palace, Fergana Fergana Valley
In the courtyard of Khudayar Khan Palace in Kokand

Ready To Travel Uzbekistan?

Need anything you couldn’t find in the Uzbekistan travel guide? Ask in the questions below!

Need Travel Insurance For Uzbekistan?

Start shopping plans over at battleface, my go-to travel insurance choice, or over at World Nomads.

6 thoughts on “Uzbekistan Travel Guide”

  1. Hi there,

    By any chance if you know, do debit cards work in ATMs and restaurants.
    I am planning to travel in June and i am going to visit only Tashkent.
    I am from India and i am thinking of using my debit card instead of credit cards.

    Thank You,

  2. What a great article! We’re currently dreaming of going to Uzbekistan again – we’ve been
    there before and we love, love love it! Here’s to a year with loads of travel plans and new experiences!

    – Veronika

  3. Hi Nicki,
    I Just wanted to thank you for this informative guide. I leave for Uzbekistan in April and cannot wait. I’ve added Nukus/Moynaq/Aral Sea, the desert castles and Aydarkul to my itinerary after seeing your photos and reading what you wrote about them. Thanks for tipping me off to them they seem right up my alley! 🙂


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