Afghanistan, Badakshan, Badakhshan, Wakhan, Wakhan Corridor, Great Pamir, Afghanistan

How to get an Afghanistan Visa

Updated July 2023How to Get an Afghanistan Visa was originally written in September 2017

Wanting to trek the Afghan Wakhan and meet the extremely isolated and traditional Wakhi and Kyrgyz people scattered throughout Afghanistan’s frontier panhandle or see the countless highlights, stunning sceneries and experience the warm Afghan hospitality in the mainland of Afghanistan? Well, you’ll need a visa for that…

July 2023 update: Some consulates have begun issuing visas for Afghanistan again, though not all are staffed by the new regime (ie: Taliban). I have heard of travelers successfully receiving visas from Dubai, Doha, Islamabad, Prague, and Oslo. Myself, I have most recently received an Afghan visa on the border (Tajikistan). If you have received a visa recently, feel free to comment or send me and email and I will include your experience in this post for other travelers.

How To Get An Afghanistan Visa

Note that: The whole of Afghanistan has travel warnings against visiting by just about every country on Earth due to the ongoing war and Taliban presence. The Afghan Wakhan has remained peaceful and safe over the decades of war the country has seen. But at any time it could turn dangerous, like just about anywhere else.

So, if you choose to go, you’re going at your own risk. If you want to read more about travel warnings for Afghanistan read here, and to read up on war zone safety check this out.

Where To Apply For Your Afghanistan Visa

Theoretically, you can apply at any Afghan embassy or consulate. Many Afghan consulates and embassies don’t like to issue visas to travelers who aren’t applying in their home country (Example: A UK citizen applying for an Afghan visa in Kyrgyzstan), so they may make you jump through a few hoops, but if you’re persistent you usually can get one.

Some embassies and/or nationalities will require a letter of invitation, others will not. I have experience applying at the consulate in Khorog and the consulate in Washington DC and can say both were both simple and painless processes. I would recommend getting your visa before you leave your home country for simplicity’s sake unless you want to visit the Wakhan in which I recommend just applying in person in Khorog.

The Afghan Consulate In Khorog

Great for those already traveling in the region and for those who come from countries that may not issue an Afghan Visa from their consulate or embassy at home. At the moment the Afghan Consulate in Khorog appears to not be operational.

The Afghan Consulate In Washington DC

Actually quite easy to apply for American citizens and foreigners residing in the USA. I have been issued an Afghan visa twice at the DC consulate in two different passports and have found it to be an easy process. Note that the Afghan Embassy in DC appears that it will be closing its doors as of 2022, so plan to apply elsewhere.

On the Tajikistan-Afghanistan Border at Shirkhan Bandar Crossing

Most recently, I received an Afghan visa on the border between Tajikistan and Afghanistan at Shirkhan Bandar. The process was simple and carried out in a building just adjacent to the customs and immigration building. Cost was $100 on an Italian passport.

The Afghanistan Consulate In Khorog, Tajikistan

Afghanistan, Afghan consulate, Afghanistan consulate, Afghanistan consulate Khorog, Afghan consulate Khorog, how to get an Afghanistan visa, Afghanistan visa
The Afghan consulate in Khorog

The consulate in Khorog is actually the closest consulate to the Afghan Wakhan and nearby Ishkashim will likely be your entry point into Afghanistan and onto the Wakhan. Since the summer of 2018 its been reported that the consulate in Khorog will tell you that you can only use the visa to enter into the Afghan Wakhan, but there is nothing marking this information on your passport. Travelers have reported getting the visa in Khorog and entering Afghanistan from Uzbekistan without issues.

*There were reports of solo women (as in not with a husband/boyfriend/man/dude-friend) being denied visas in Khorog in 2016. When I got my first visa and visited in 2017 I had no problem getting a visa as a solo female. Reports I’ve heard in 2018 have said that it is still possible to get a visa as a solo woman.

What To Bring With You

Your passport, a passport photo, a copy of your passport, and US dollars for payment (this cost will vary depending on nationality).

Afghanistan Visa Costs At The Khorog Consulate

This will vary depending on where your passport is from. But it’s a pretty safe bet that it will cost between $100 and $150 for a one-month single entry visa for most nationalities. However, Americans get nailed with a $200-220 fee for a one-month, single entry visa. In Afghanistan’s defense, the US makes it very difficult for Afghans to visit the USA.

Consulate Hours In Khorog

One thing I have discovered spending as much time as I have in Tajikistan is that things rarely happen, leave or open on time. Officially the hours are 8 am to 2 pm Monday through Friday. However, I really wouldn’t bother to show up until closer to 9 am. I arrived at 8:45 am and everyone was just starting to arrive at work. It’s not uncommon for the consulate to close by 12 pm or 1 pm. Also, look into any upcoming Tajik/Afghan/Islamic holidays because you can be guaranteed the consulate will not be open.

The Process In Khorog

Visiting the consulate is actually a straightforward and typically quick experience. I walked out with my Afghanistan visa in about 30 minutes, start to finish.

Step 1: You’ll first be brought back by the woman who will issue your visa. She will ask where and what you’re planning to do in Afghanistan. Then, likely, she will ask if you’re really sure you want to go because it’s such an expensive visa and that Afghanistan, of course, can be very dangerous (in certain areas).

Step 2: Hand over your passport, passport photo, and passport copy and get the ball rolling. She’ll quickly start the process.

Step 3: Fill out your Afghanistan visa application.

Step 4: Write your letter of intent to the consulate. This is the step you’ve probably never experienced in all your travels. You have to write a letter stating you take full responsibility for any and everything that could, might, will or won’t happen to you along with personal details like name, passport number, date of birth, etc.

Step 5: Chit chat with the consulate lady. She’s actually really nice and speaks very good English in addition to her Russian and Tajik/Dari. Or stare at the wall in silence, whatever.

Step 6: The visa will be printed. You’ll be asked to double-check the info on it to verify it’s all correct. If it’s correct she’ll slap that bad boy onto one of the blank pages of your passport. She’ll then leave the room to get it signed.

Step 7: you’re now free to visit Afghanistan!

Looking for more info about the Ishkashim Border Crossing Between Tajikistan & Afghanistan? Click here

Afghan Visa
Afghan Visa

Visa Length

The Khorog Consulate usually issues 30 days single entry visas that are valid beginning the day they issue it to you. You can then enter Afghanistan at any time in the next 30 days. Even if you enter 29 days later you are still clear to stay 30 days.

Note About Being “Stamped” Into Tajikistan

When I exited Ishkashim on the Tajik side I was hassled about a missing stamp on my Tajik e-visa that should have been placed there when I entered the country.

The two guards working insisted that I should have had a stamp on my visa paper when I entered the country. I explained that I flew into Khujand and did not receive a stamp.

I expected to be asked for a bribe at this point. They kept insisting that the visa needed to have had a stamp on it. I pointed out the stamp from Khujand in my passport showing my entrance date to Tajikistan and pulled out my airline ticket from the Moscow-Khujand flight.

Eventually, they accepted this in place of the missing stamp after a short lecture about making sure to get that paper stamped.

They remembered me when I returned back to the border to enter Tajikistan and stamped my new e-visa, and said ‘see we stamp at Ishkashim’.

The Afghanistan Consulate In Washington DC

Round II 2018 I applied at the Afghan Consulate in Washington DC. We did have a hiccup due to the consulate closing for the Eid Holiday, but we still managed to get out Afghan Visas in time to depart the USA, literally at the last moment possible.

The people at the Afghan consulate are very helpful and kind. Surprisingly the process to obtain an Afghan visa in the USA is actually very simple.

Note that there were murmurs in earlier 2022 that the consulate in DC would be shutting its doors- so I would make plans to apply for an Afghan visa elsewhere.

How To Apply At The DC Consulate

Now if you live in DC or close to it, you can walk in and apply in person. But I live pretty much as far from DC as you can possibly get and still live in a full-blown US state. So your other option is to apply online and mail in your documents, which is what I will be covering.

Step 1: Get an Application and Fill it Out

Go to the Afghanistan Embassy’s website and fill out the entire application.

Step 2: Write A Letter Stating The Purpose Of Your Visit

Similar to the letter required by the Khorog Consulate. You will need to state where you plan to visit, why you want to go to Afghanistan and that you take full responsibility for anything that may happen to you during your travels in the country.

Step 3: Mail In Your Documents

Next mail in your passport, printed application, the letter you wrote, passport photo, payment for your visa (cashier’s check or money order), and a prepaid return envelope addressed to yourself.

If you are not a US citizen but do reside in the USA you can still apply for an Afghan visa at the DC consulate. You will need to send in a copy of your Green card,  valid alien registration card, or valid U.S. resident visa.

If you are a dual citizen of the USA and another country you can apply for your Afghan visa on your other passport (likely cheaper than a visa for US citizens). Just send a scan of your US passport as well. My friend who went with me in 2018 is also an Irish citizen and this is what she did. 

Visa Length

The DC Consulate usually issues 30 days single entry visas that are valid beginning the day they issue it to you. You can then enter Afghanistan at any time in the next 90 days. I have on certain occasions been given a 90 day single entry visa valid for a six month period.

Without asking we were issued 90 day single entry visas that were valid for entry for the next 180 days, so it is possible to get a longer visa- just make sure and ask if you really want to make sure you can get it.

 Easy As That!

The Afghan Wakhan was an amazing and interesting place to travel.

Oh, and did I mention I did it solo? Yeah, I did it solo. And in case you forgot, I’m a girl. Well actually a woman I guess, or we could say, female, whatever. Yes, a solo woman CAN visit Afghanistan!

With the Wakhan being incredibly easy and fairly hassle-free for solo women. Of course, take usual precautions and conservative dress (hijab) and a headscarf will earn you bonus points with the locals.

And, I’ll Say It Again

You’re fully responsible for your own safety while you’re in Afghanistan. Read up on warnings and war zone safety that I linked at the beginning of this post.

Guides I Recommend

Wakhan Corridor: I recommend Malang Darya’s company Big Little Pamir Travel. Malang personally guided me on my 2017 trip into the Wakhan Corridor and was great. You can contact him through his new website Wakhan Adventure, or by phone at +93 794766067.

Mainland Afghanistan: While it is entirely possible to travel Afghanistan independently, I know many of you do not want to deal with the hassle of logistics, safety considerations, and transport. I recommend Let’s Be Friends Afghanistan. I know Noor, who runs and owns the company and guides tourists with his brother Mahdi who assists and guides tourists as well.

Other Helpful Resources

Here are helpful blog posts/books (that aren’t mine, of course)! I actually used some of these to help plan (recklessly) my own visit:

Trekking in the Pamirs by Jan Bakker: Jan’s new book covers many of Tajikistan’s popular treks as well as a 12-dayer in the Afghan Wakhan.

Want to see more from Afghanistan?

Check out my posts below for more tips on visiting Afghanistan.

Got Questions About Getting An Afghanistan Visa?

Leave a message in the comments!

Great Pamir, Wakhan Corridor, Badakhshan, Afghanistan

Need Travel Insurance for Afghanistan?

Start shopping plans over at battleface.

More Posts from Afgahnistan:

9 thoughts on “How To Get An Afghanistan Visa”

  1. Hello, thanks for the info, this is helpful. Do you have any 2023 updates regarding the Embassy in Doha, Qatar? Are they issuing tourist visas for non-Qataris? And any idea on how long they take? Also, I assume they close Fri/Sat?

    I’m visting Afghanistan in November and my best alternative is to do it via Doha, so it would be helpful to get an idea of how the process is going through this embassy. Thanks!

    1. Hi Gabriel,
      Unfortunately I do not have up to date information on the embassy in Doha first hand, however, I am in Dushanbe, Tajikistan currently and I applied for an Afghan visa at the embassy here today and received it successfully.

    1. The only updates I’ve gotten down the grapevine on Afghan visas in 2022 is that there are a couple of people who have gotten visas from the consulate in Dubai and in DC but this was after a lot of back and forth

  2. Thank you for this detailed guide! I was going to try and apply in Central Asia but after reading the recent embassy reports I am going to apply in DC instead. Glad I came across your blog 🙂

    1. Hi Julia,
      I’m glad that this was helpful for you. The DC consulate is pretty straightforward. Hope you have a safe and fun trip to Afghanistan

  3. When is the best time of the year to visit the the Wakhan Corrider? And correct me if I am wrong, but isn’t there some sort of festival held there once a year or once every two years?

    1. July and August are best as far as weather goes, however it’s chilly in the mountains even then. September and October are beautiful with the fall colors in the on both sides of the Wakhan but you could see snow, I did! I think it’s the Pamir Festival, I saw something online about the upcoming one in 2018. Khorog holds one called the Roof of the World festival as well as there being another one in the Hunza Valley of Pakistan by the same name I’ve read about.

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